Monday, June 2, 2014

Make Up

Recently I went to a Maybelline New York Fashion Week Workshop and had the opportunity to meet really awesome people and importantly, I've learnt new looks we can make with makeup!

I know myself well enough that I'm a makeup person.
I do wear them, but not too heavy unless there are special occasions or events.
Tu pun depends on my mood.

So at this workshop, I was taken aback with all the makeup, and for the first time in my life, i was actually excited!
Ask Rozana and Tee. I was sitting next to Rozana and practically ask her about all of Maybelline's products because.. Let's face it. I don't own much makeup.
My basics are foundation, face powder, eyeliner, blusher and lip balm.
But at the workshop, I was introduced to many more products which rupanya ada properties yang good for the skin! And from the workshop, tau la sedikit sebanyak techniques to wear them. Miehehehe =p


Actually, you can learn make up tutorial at anywhere and any time. Sekarang google je, "pappp!". Keluar segala mak nenek about make up. Besides, lots of pro and expertise upload their make up tutorial through youtube. Maigaddd! Live babe! More easy to see and understand the flow. Senangnya hidup korang ye? :D
Ataupun korang bila pergi je mana-mana beauty shop yang jual make up, ask them to give you a try. Kalau cem best boleh terus beli. Kalau tak, forget it. Haha. Or maybe you can ask your friends too. Maybe she's good in this. Perempuan kan. Dalam satu group tu mesti ada sorang dua yang hebat. But in my group of course I'm the only comot one. Hihi.

Haa. Nak doll look sangat kan? Sapu la foundation banyak-banyak dan tebal-tebal. Hihi. 

Ni pulak contoh make up mata. Huh. So many techniques, just name it. Smokey eyes la, barbie looks la. Fenin.

Or girls you can watch it live from you tube. 

One of my favorite MUA. Hope you guys enjoy watching this! =) 

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