Monday, June 2, 2014


I freaking love Malacca !!

Barangan antik yang sangat unik.

Asam laksa dan cendol kat Jonker Walk. Slurpp!

 Souvenirs untuk your boyfriend, maybe?

 Jum solat? :)

Dragon ball kat Jonker Walk. Hihi.

Rumah Jack Swallow yang super awesome.

Hai. Hiks.

View of Malacca from Taming Sari Tower.

Ohh. Tempat wajib untuk di singgah. Tak Melaka la kalau tak ada ikan bakar. Hihi.

Dan ini Nana yang awesome. Hihihi.

It's only early of the year 2014 and thus my second time going to Malacca for this year lah. Hee. I just love it there coz it's just different and fun! Different in a sense that it's not as busy as KL, not congested, so cultural and colorful, never boring, and cendol dia best. Hehe! Though, I miss Ipoh's cendol very much. And nasi vanggey. Roti bakar telur manis. Dengggg!! rasa macam nak gi Ipoh lak!! 

Anyway, this time I went with these awesome girls. =)
They're really are the best! 
Kalau you all nak tau, in our group are 70% dominated by men. So, being surrounded by guys really takes the femininity out of a girl. That's why we girls stick together!!! RAHWWWWRRRR! Ok tibe tibe nak semangat lebih. motip?

Either Penang, Singapore or Ipoh next. where oh where should i go? Hahaha! =p

Thank you to those yang tolong kami tangkap gambar and thank you to those yang tegur =D
Korang awesome!!
May we meet again Melaka!!

p/s: Pics tak editted. So nampak kusam sikit. Oh well. Alhamdulillah the weather was good! i think i shed 30kg walking all over the town. Hahaha!! Exaggerate siot. =p

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